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Are cats ticklish?

The short, sweet answer is “YES”.  According to the Animal Humane Society though, they show it by purring, meowing, and other behaviors some of which seem negative like biting or scratching. Even many humans do not like to be tickled, so expect a bite or scratch perhaps if your cat does not like to be tickled.

Can cats eat peanut butter?

Technically some cats will eat anything that isn’t tied down. However, cats should not eat peanut butter. It is thick and can choke them, it adds no nutritional value, and of course, like humans, some cats are allergic to peanuts.

What human foods can cats eat?

Cats are carnivores so all meats generally are well tolerated. Raw foods are gaining popularity, and as close to nature as possible.  Some grains like oatmeal are tolerated, as are eggs, but milk and cheese should be avoided as lactose-intolerant cats do exist and vomiting and diarrhea can occur.

How much do cats cost?

This is very variable as if you buy a Persian or Purebred from a pet store or breeder you will pay a hefty price. Adopting one from a rescue or shelter will still cost vet fees for spaying and neutering as rescues and shelters do require this for the most part. You will also need to take into consideration the fact that there are supplies to buy, toys, food, litter, perches, carriers, etc. and every cat will need to go to the vet regularly just like any other pet. Grooming needs should also be factored in as nail clipping, and bathing many times is best left to professionals. Long-haired breeds will mat and may need professional grooming more often.

Where do cats like to be petted?

This ties into the ticklish question. Each cat is different. Some love a good head-scratching while others will serve up their hind end to be petted. With others touching their hindquarters can result in a bite. A good rule of thumb is each cat is different, but mild stroking is always best no matter where you pet a cat.

How much do cats weigh?

There is no specific answer as a cat’s weight depends upon age, size, breed, and gender. Male cats are larger. A more adept way to ascertain your cat’s weight is visually or manually. A cat with a concave stomach and ribs that show visually is underweight. One that waddles when they walk and show signs of being plump is indeed overweight. Being overweight causes health problems like diabetes, joint problems, and other medical issues.

Why do cats pant?

Just like dogs, they pant when overheated, or when anxious. Unlike dogs, who release heat through their skin, cats release heat only through the paws of their feet. This is why in cold weather your cat will tuck their paws under its body as it prevents the escape of body heat.

How often do cats pee?

Most vets will assure you that cats should pee two to four times per day. Most cats are not water drinkers although some are an exception and will drink water a lot. If a cat does not pee at least twice or is constantly in the litter box to pee it is time for the vet as cats do develop diabetes, kidney problems, and UTIs just as humans do. Strong smelling urine is a symptom of a problem.

Why do cats roll in the dirt?

For the same reason dogs do, to keep cool. Underneath the top layer of soil is moister cool soil and your cat may burrow a hole in your yard first before rolling in it.

How often do cats go into heat?

Cats can go into heat as early as six months, but the climate controls how often they do go into heat. For outdoor cats, the spring and summer bring on their mating seasons while indoor cats, because it is always warm indoors can go into heat many more times per year. Cats can have up to five litters in their lifetime and are fertile at six months.

How many teeth do cats have?

Adult cats have thirty teeth total. Like humans, they are born with “baby teeth” which they lose and are replaced with a combination of molars, canines, and incisors. They are predators so have very sharp efficient teeth.

Why do cats have whiskers?

Like dogs and other predators, the whiskers allow them to judge how close they are to an object. Cats are nearsighted so their whiskers are longer than other carnivorous mammals. It also helps them sense their environment and improve their balance. A cat’s whiskers should never be trimmed.

Why do cats hate water?

This tendency is both hereditary and learned behavior. Cats are descendants of wild cats where most resided in dry, desert areas. Cat’s fur is also dense and can stay wet for a long time. Cats do not, like dogs, know how to swim instinctively.  Now, to be honest, some cats in certain regions of the USA, that were born as feral, and lived with bears or other swimming mammals, do not fear water and will look for places to swim (like your bathtub when you are in it)!

Why do cats eat grass?

Grass has nutrients like folic acid. Some cats eat it though to purge hairballs as it can induce vomiting. If your cat eats grass continually it does usually signify parasites such as worms, so a vet visit is in order.

How many toes do cats have?

Most cats have five toes, four that are functional, and one dewclaw at the end of the foot. Some cats are polydactyl cats, with six toes and this is more common than you may think.

Why do cats wag their tails?

Cats do not actually “wag” their tails. They thrash them to show anger and curl them around you as a greeting as they did this to greet their mothers. Quivering occurs when playing or hunting and a straight or overturned tail shows confidence, but there is no wagging of the type dogs do.

How do cats get worms?

Parasites can be picked up from raw food, or from animals, they killed outside. Cats can also step on parasites outside, or even inside a home if a parasite is brought in by another animal or even on shoes. There are a whole host of worms, and you should check your cat's defecation regularly as you will notice blood, worm eggs, or even portions of worms. Vet advice is needed immediately as worms create malnutrition and serious health issues.

How many nipples do cats have?

Six to eight nipples are average for cats, although some have more, and some can have less. There is no real explanation by veterinary science as to why discrepancies occur.

How many hours do cats sleep?

This isn’t measured in hours, but percentages, and any vet will advise that cats sleep about 70 percent of each day. And when they are awake it's generally at night!

Do male cats have nipples too?

Yes, as these are programmed into the DNA of all mammals at conception. However, like all mammals, the male nipples can be hard to find and not developed although some males experience gynecomastia, an enlargement of the nipples which is not harmful.